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Direct Reprogramming of Somatic Cells

April 30, 2015

Guangzhou, China- October 2014- Research Spotlight

Featured Paper

Reprogramming of somatic cells to induced pluripotent cells (iPSCs) is a promising technology for regenerative medicine and disease modeling applications. Nevertheless issues of inefficiency in production of pluripotent cells and safety due to the potential presence of tumorigenic cells remain. Recently, it has been shown that direct reprogramming from one somatic cell lineage to another, bypassing the pluripotent state, can address the problems associated with iPSCs. While most of the research in direct reprogramming has focused on chemical modification of transcriptional networks, a newly published study has suggested that cell culture conditions can also affect the reprogramming process. Dai et al. (PLoS ONE 9(10)e109856, 2014) has shown that direct reprogramming of adipose stem cells can be significantly enhanced by 3D culture in Synthecon’s Rotary Cell Culture System. 

For more information on this study see the Full Text

This study utilizes our 10mL HARV.

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