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Research Publications / Epidermal or Skin

Acceleration of diabetic wound healing by a cryopreserved living dermal substitute created by micronized amnion seeded with fibroblasts
Zheng Y, Ji S, Wu H, Tian S, Wang X, Luo P, Fang H, Wang Z, Wang J, Wang Z, Xiao S, Xia Z
Am J Transl Res. 2015 Dec 15;7(12):2683-93. eCollection 2015
Effects of Microgravity on Growing Cultured Skin Constructs
Doolin EJ, Geldziler B, Strande L, Kain M, Hewitt C
Tissue Eng 5: 573-582, 1999
Experiment on fibroblast-PGA complexes cultured in Rotary Cell Culture System
He C, Deng LF, Zhu YP
Zhonghua Wai Ke Za Zhi 41:214-217, 2003. (Article in Chinese)
NASA-Approved Rotary Bioreactor Enhances Proliferation of Human Epidermal Stem Cells and Supports Formation of 3D Epidermis-Like Structure
Lei XH, Ning LN, Cao YJ, Liu S, Zhang SB, Qiu ZF, Hu HM, Zhang HS, Liu S, Duan EK
PLoS One. 6(11):e26603; Nov 2011
Use of amniotic microparticles coated with fibroblasts overexpressing SDF-1a to create an environment conducive to neovascularization for repair of full-thickness skin defects
Zhang YQ, Ju SZ, Fang H, Zheng YJ, Luo PF, Wu HB, Wu MJ, Wang ZH, Xiao SC, Xia ZF
Cell Transplant. 2015 April 7; doi:10.3727/096368915X687930
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