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Research Publications / Cancer

A Novel Preclinical Model of Human Malignant Melanoma Utilizing Bioreactor Rotating-Wall Vessels.
Licato LL, Prieto VG, and Grimm EA
In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim 37: 121-126, 2001
A unique 3D in vitro cellular invasion assay
Quail DF, Maciel TJ, Rogers K, Postovit LM.
J Biomol Screen. 2012 Sep;17(8):1088-95. doi: 10.1177/1087057112449863. Epub 2012 Jun 15
Adrenomedullin is a key Protein Mediating Rotary Cell Culture System that Induces the Effects of Simulated Microgravity on Human Breast Cancer Cells
Li Chen, Xi Yang, Xiang Cui, Minmin Jiang, Yu Gui, Yanni Zhang, Xiangdong Luo
Microgravity Science and Technology November 2015, Volume 27, Issue 6, pp 417-426
Antiproliferation activity of Devil's club (Oplopanax horridus) and anticancer agents on human pancreatic cancer multicellular spheroids
Tai J, Cheung SS, Ou D, Warnock GL, Hasman D
Phytomedicine. 2013 Nov 8. pii: S0944-7113(13)00401-7. doi: 10.1016/j.phymed.2013.10.003
Biological Properties of Ulvan, a New Source of Green Seaweed Sulfated Polysaccharides, on Cultured Normal and Cancerous Colonic Epithelial Cells
Kaeffer B, Bénard C, Lahaye M, Blottiére HM, Cherbut C
Planta Med 65:6 527-531, 1999.
Characteristics of Human Dendritic Cells Generated in a Microgravity Analog Culture System In Vitro
Savary C, Grazziuti ML, Przepiorka D, Tomasovic SP, McIntyre BW, Woodside DG, Pellis NR, Pierson DL, Rex JH
Cell Dev Biol Anim 37:216-222, 2001
Characterization of Autocrine Growth Factors, Their Receptors and Extracellular Matrix Present in Three-Dimensional Cultures of DU 145 Prostate Carcinoma Cells Grown in Simulated Microgravity.
O’Connor KC, Enmon RM, Dotson RS, Primavera AC and Clejan S
Tissue Engineering 3: 161- 171 , 1997
Characterization of Epstein-Barr virus reactivation in a modeled spaceflight system
Brinley AA, Theriot CA, Nelman-Gonzalez M, Crucian B, Stowe RP, Barrett AD, Pierson DL
J Cell Biochem. 2013 Mar;114(3):616-24. doi: 10.1002/jcb.24403
Characterization of primary breast carcinomas grown in three-dimensional cultures
Becker JL, Blanchard DK
J Surg Res 142: 256-262, 2007
Coevolution of Prostate Cancer and Bone Stroma in Three-Dimensional Coculture: Implications for Cancer Growth and Metastasis
Sung, S-Y, Hsieh, C-L, Law A, Zhau HE, Pathak S, A Multani AS, Lim S, Coleman IM, Wu L-C, Figg WD, Dahut WL, Nelson P, Lee JK, Amin MB, Lyles R, Johnstone PAJ, Marshall FF, Chung LWK
Cancer Res 68:9996-10003, 2008
Cytogenetic, Morphologic and Oncogene Analysis of a Cell Line Derived from a Heterologous Mixed Mullerian Tumor of the Ovary
Becker JL, Papenhausen PR and Widen RH
In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim 33: 325-31, 1997
Cytoskeletal and Functional Changes in Bioreactor Assembled Thyroid Tissue Organoids Exposed to Gamma Radiation
Green LM, Patel Z, Murray DK, Rightnar S, Burell CG, Gridley DS, Nelson GA
J Radiat. Res. 43 (supplement): S213-S218, 2002
Development of a three-dimensional model of lung cancer using cultured transformed lung cells
Vertrees RA, McCarthy M, Solley T, Popov VL, Roaten J, Pauley M, Wen X, Goodwin TJ.
Cancer Biol Ther 8:356-365, 2009
Dynamic expression patterns of differential proteins during early invasion of hepatocellular carcinoma
Chen RX, Song HY, Dong YY, Hu C, Zheng QD, Xue TC, Liu XH, Zhang Y, Chen J, Ren ZG, Liu YK, Cui JF
PLoS One. 2014 Mar 10;9(3):e88543. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0088543. eCollection 2014
Effect of simulated microgravity on metabolism of HGC‑27 gastric cancer cells
ZHENG‑YANG CHEN1, NAN JIANG1,2, S Guo, B‑B Li, J‑Q Yang,S‑B Chai, H‑F Yan, P‑M Sun, T Zhang, H‑W Sun, H‑M Yang, J‑L Zhou and Y Cui.
ONCOLOGY LETT 19: 3439-3450, 2020
Effects of Simulated Microgravity on DU 145 Human Prostate Carcinoma Cells
Clejan S, O’Conner KC, Cowger NL, Cheles MK, Haque S and Primavera AC
Biotechnol Bioeng 50: 587-597, 1996
Endothelial-like malignant glioma cells in dynamic three dimensional culture identifies a role for VEGF and FGFR in a tumor-derived angiogenic response.
Smith SJ, Ward JH, Tan C, Grundy RG, Rahman R.
Oncotarget. 2015 Jun 2.
Establishment of Three-Dimensional Human Prostate Organoid Coculture under Microgravity-Simulated Conditions: Evaluation of Androgen- Induced Growth and PSA Expression
Zhau HE, Goodwin TJ, Shi-Ming Chang, Baker TL and Chung LWK.
n Vitro Cell Dev Bio Anim 33: 375-380, 1997
Evaluating Prostate Cancer Cell Culturing Methods: A Comparison of Cell Morphologies and Metabolic Activity
Winkenwerder JJ, Palechek PL, Reece JS, Saarinen MA, Arnold MA, Cohen MB, Murhammer DW
Oncol.. Rep. 10: 783-789, 2003
Ex-Vivo Dynamic 3-D Culture of Human Tissues in the RCCS™ Bioreactor Allows the Study of Multiple Myeloma Biology and Response to Therapy
Ferrarini M, Steimberg N, Ponzoni M, Belloni D, Berenzi A, Girlanda S, Caligaris-Cappio F, Mazzoleni G, Ferrero E.
PLoS One. 2013 Aug 26;8(8):e71613. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0071613
Galectin-3 Protects Human Breast Carcinoma Cells against Nitric Oxide-Induced Apoptosis: Implication of Galectin-3 Function during Metastasis
Moon B, Lee YJ, Battle P, Jessup JM, Raz A, Kim HRC
Amer. Jour. Path. 159: 1055-1060, 2001
Generation of a tumor spheroid in a microgravity environment as a 3D model of melanoma
Marrero B, Messina JL, Heller R
In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim. 45: 523-34, 2009
Genome Wide Expression Profiling of Cancer Cell Lines Cultured in Microgravity Reveals Significant Dysregulation of Cell Cycle and MicroRNA Gene Networks
Prasanna Vidyasekar, Pavithra Shyamsunder, Rajpranap Arun, Rajalakshmi Santhakumar, Nand Kishore Kapadia, Ravi Kumar, and Rama Shanker Verma
PLoS One. 2015; 10(8): e0135958. Published online 2015 Aug 21. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0135958
Heterogeneous breast tumoroids: An in vitro assay for investigating cellular heterogeneity and drug delivery
Vamvakidou AP, Mondrinos MJ, Petushi SP, Garcia FU, Lelkes PI, Tozeren A
J Biomol Screen 12:13-20, 2007
Human Ovarian Cancer Multicellular Spheroids: A Model for Testing Antiproliferation Activity of Devil's Club (Oplopanax horridus) and Anticancer Agents
Tai J, Cheung SS, Hasman D
Planta Med. 2014 Jun;80(8-9):662-70. doi: 10.1055/s-0034-1368506
In vitro three-dimensional modelling of human ovarian surface epithelial cells
Lawrenson K, Benjamin E, Turmaine M, Jacobs I, Gayther S, Dafou D
Cell Prolif. 42:385-93, 2009
Induction of Carcinoembryonic Antigen Expression in a Three-Dimensional Culture System
Jessup JM, Brown D, Fitzgerald W, Ford RD, Nachman A, Goodwin TJ and Spaulding G
In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim 33: 352-7, 1997.
Liver-Tumor Hybrid Organoids for Modeling Tumor Growth and Drug Response In Vitro
Skardal A, Devarasetty M, Rodman C, Atala A, Soker S
AnnBiomed Eng. 2015 Mar 17.doi: 10.1007/s10439-015-1298-3
Loss of Let-7 MicroRNA Upregulates IL-6 in Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Triggering a Reactive Stromal Response to Prostate Cancer
Sung SY, Liao CH, Wu HP, Hsiao WC, Wu IH, Jinpu, Yu, Lin SH, Hsieh CL
PLoS One. 2013 Aug 19;8(8):e71637. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0071637
Melanoma growth and tumorigenicity in models of microgravity
Taga M, Yamauchi K, Odle J, Furian L, Sundaresan A, Ramesh GT, Pellis NR, Andrassy RJ, Kulkarni AD
Aviat. Space Environ. Med. 77: 1113-1116, 2006
Mesenchymal stem cells support growth and organization of host-liver colorectal-tumor organoids and possibly resistance to chemotherapy
Devarasetty M1, Wang E, Soker S, Skardal A
Biofabrication. 2017; 9(2):021002
Microgravity Culture Reduces Apoptosis and Increases the Differentiation of a Human Colorectal Carcinoma Cell Line
Jessup JM, Frantz M, Sonmez-Alpan E, Locker J, Skena K, Waller H, Battle P, Nachman A, Bhatti, Weber ME, Thomas DA, Curbeam RL, Baker TL, and Goodwin TJ
In Vitro Cell Dev Biol 36:367-373, 2000.
Microgravity assay of neuroblastoma: in vitro aggregation kinetics and organoid morphology correlate with MYCN expression
Redden RA, Doolin EJ.
In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim. 47(4):312-7, 2011
Modeling Multiple Myeloma-Bone Marrow interactions and response to drugs in a 3D surrogate microenvironment
Belloni D1, Heltai S, Ponzoni M, Villa A, Vergani B, Pecciarini L, Marcatti M, Girlanda S, Tonon G, Ciceri F, Caligaris-Cappio F, Ferrarini M, Ferrero E. Haematologica
2018 Jan 11. pii: haematol.2017.167486. doi: 10.3324/haematol.2017.167486
Morphological Differentiation of Colon Carcinoma Cell Lines HT-29 and HT-29KM in Rotating Wall Vessels
Goodwin TJ, Jessup JM, Wolf DA
In Vitro Cell Div Biol 28A:1 47-60, 1992
Nitrosative stress in rotated three-dimensional colorectal carcinoma cell cultures induces microtubule depolymerization and apoptosis
Laguinge LM, Lin S, Samara RN, Salestiotis AN, Jessup JM
Cancer Res. 64: 2643-2648, 2004
On-line Monitoring of Human Prostate Cancer Cells in a Perfusion Rotating Wall Vessel by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy.
Rhiel MH, Cohen MB, Arnold MA, Murhammer DW
Biotechnol Bioeng 86: 852-861, 2004
Paclitaxel-releasing mesenchymal stromal cells inhibit the growth of multiple myeloma cells in a dynamic 3D culture system
Bonomi A1, Steimberg N2, Benetti A, Berenzi A, Alessandri G, Pascucci L, Boniotti J, Coccè V, Sordi V, Pessina A, Mazzoleni G
Hematol Oncol. 2016 Jun 10. doi: 10.1002/hon.2306
Permanent Phenotypic and Genotypic Changes of Prostate Cancer Cells Cultured In a Three-Dimensional Rotating-Wall Vessel.
Rhee HW, Shau HE, Pathak S, Multani AS, Oennanen S, Visakorpi T, and Chung LWK
In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim 37: 127-140, 2001.
Properties of mechano-transduction via simulated microgravity and its effects on intracellular trafficking of VEGFR's.
Puca A, Russo G, Giordano A
Oncotarget. 2012 Apr; 3(4):426-34.
Prospects for Use of Microgravity-Based Bioreactors to Study Three Dimensional Host-Tumor Interactions in Human Neoplasia
Jessup JM, Goodwin TJ, Spaulding GF
J Cell Biochem 51: 290-300, 1993
Recapitulation of Tumor Heterogeneity and Molecular Signatures in a 3D Brain Cancer Model with Decreased Sensitivity to Histone Deacetylase Inhibition
Smith SJ, Wilson M, Ward JH, Rahman CV, Peet AC, Macarthur DC, Rose FR, Grundy RG, Rahman R
PLoS One. 2012;7(12):e52335. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0052335
Role of Galectin-3 in Breast Cancer Metastasis: Involvement of Nitric Oxide
Song YK, Billiar TR, Lee YJ:
Amer. Jour. Path. 160: 1069-1075, 2002
Rotary bioreactor culture can discern specific behavior phenotypes in Trk-null and Trk-expressing neuroblastoma cell lines
Redden RA, Iyer R, Brodeur GM, Doolin EJ
In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim. 2014 Mar;50(3):188-93. doi: 10.1007/s11626-013-9716-z
Screening candidate metastasis-associated genes in three-dimensional HCC spheroids with different metastasis potential
Chen R, Dong Y, Xie X, Chen J, Gao D, Liu Y, Ren Z, Cui J
Int J Clin Exp Pathol. 2014 Apr 15;7(5):2527-35. eCollection 2014
Simulated Microgravity Culture System for a 3-D Carcinoma
Nakamura K, Kuga H, Morisaki T, Baba E, Sato N, Mizumoto K, Sueshi K, Tanaka M, and Katano M
Tissue Model Biotechniques 33:1068-1076, 2002.
Simulated Microgravity Impairs Leukemic Cell Survival Through Altering VEGFR-2/VEGF-A Signaling Pathway
Vincent L, Avancena P, Cheng J, Rafii S, Rabbany S
Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 33: 1405-1410, 2005
Simulated microgravity decreases DNA repair capacity and induces DNA damage in human lymphocytes
Kumari R, Singh KP, Dumond JW Jr.
J. Cell Biochem.107:723-31, 2009
Simulated microgravity increases polyploid giant cancer cells and nuclear localization of YAP
Arun RP, Sivanesan D, Patra B, Varadaraj S, Verma RS
Sci Rep. 2019; 9(1):10684
Simulated microgravity-mediated reversion of murine lymphoma immune evasion
Bradley JH, Barwick S, Horn GQ Ullrich E, Best B, Arnold JP, Gregg RK.
Sci Rep. 2019; 9(1):14623
Simulation of ex vivo bone marrow culture: Application to chronic myeloid leukaemia growth model
Panoskaltsis N, Kumar R, Xu XY, Mantalaris A
Biochemical Engineering Journal. 2012 Feb 15;61:66-77. doi: 10.1016/j.bej.2011.10.002
Spatial Composition of Prostate Cancer Spheroids in Mixed and Static Cultures
Song H, David O, Clejan S, Giordano CL, Pappas-Lebeau H, Xu, L, O’Connor KC
Tissue Eng. 10: 7/8, 1266-1276, 2004
The use of an in vitro 3D melanoma model to predict in vivo plasmid transfection using electroporation
Marrero B, Heller R.
Biomaterials. 2012 Apr;33(10):3036-46. doi: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2011.12.049. Epub 2012 Jan 13
Three Dimensional Modeling of T-24 Human Bladder Carcinoma Cell Line: A New Simulated Microgravity Vessel.
Prewett TL, Goodwin TJ, Spaulding GF
J Tissue Culture Methods. 15: 29-36,1993
Three-Dimensional Culture of a Mixed Mullerian Tumor of the Ovary: Expression Of In Vivo Characteristics
Goodwin TJ, Prewett TL, Spaulding GF, Becker JL
In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim 33: 366-374, 1997.
Three-Dimensional Endothelial-Tumor Epithelial Cell Interactions in Human Cervical Cancers.
Chopra V, Dinh TV, and Hannigan EV;
In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim 33: 432-42, 1997.
Three-Dimensional Growth Patterns of Various Human Tumor Cell Lines in Simulated Microgravity of a NASA Bioreactor
Ingram M, Techy GB, Saroufeem R, Yazan O, Narayan KS, Goodwin TJ and Spaulding GF
In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim 33: 459-466, 1997
Three-Dimensional Growth and Differentiation of Ovarian Tumor Cell Line in High Aspect Rotating Wall Vessel.
Becker JL, Prewett TL, Spaulding GF, Goodwin TJ:
Morphologic and Embryologic Considerations J Cell Biochem 51: 283-289, 1993
Three-dimensional in vitro cell biology models of ovarian and endometrial cancer.
Grun B, Benjamin E, Sinclair J, Timms JF, Jacobs IJ, Gayther SA, Dafou D.
Cell Prolif. 42:219-28, 2009
Three-dimensional in vitro modeling of malignant bone disease recapitulates experimentally accessible mechanisms of osteoinhibition
McNeill EP, Reese RW, Tondon A, Clough BH, Pan S, Froese J, Palmer D, Krause U, Loeb DM, Kaunas R and Gregory CA
Cell Death and Disease 2018; 9:1161
Tissue Models for the Development of Novel Anti-Cancer Therapies
O’Connor KC
Three-Dimensional Cultures of Prostatic Cells: Pharmaceutical Research 16: 486-493, 1999.
U94 of human herpesvirus 6 down-modulates Src, promotes a partial mesenchymal-to-epithelial transition and inhibits tumor cell growth, invasion and metastasis
Caccuri F, Ronca R, Laimbacher AS, Berenzi A, Steimberg N, Campilongo F, Mazzuca P, Giacomini A, Mazzoleni G, Benetti A, Caselli E, Presta M, Di Luca D, Fraefel C, Caruso A.
Oncotarget. 2017 May 11. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.17817
α-Catulin downregulates E-cadherin and promotes melanoma progression and invasion
Kreiseder B, Orel L, Bujnow C, Buschek S, Pflueger M, Schuett W, Hundsberger H, de Martin R, Wiesner C
Int J Cancer. 2013 Feb 1;132(3):521-30. doi: 10.1002/ijc.27698. Epub 2012 Jul 14
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