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Research Publications / Tissue Engineering

3D culture of isolated cells: A fast and efficient method for optimising their histochemical and immunocytochemical analyses.
Berenzi A, Steimberg N, Boniotti J, Mazzoleni G
Microsc Res Tech.2015 Jan 29. doi:10.1002/jemt.22470
3D sample preparation for orthopaedic tissue engineering bioreactors.
Cartmell SH, Rathbone S, Jones G, Hidalgo-Bastida LA
Textbook chapter in 3D Cell Culture: Methods and Protocols, ISBN 978-1-60761-983-3
3D tissue-like assemblies: A novel approach to investigate virus-cell interactions.
Goodwin TJ, McCarthy M, Cohrs RJ, Kaufer BB
Methods. 2015 May 15. pii: S1046-2023(15)00203-0. doi: 10.1016/j.ymeth.2015.05.010
A New Method for Constructing Large Tissue in Rotary Culture Vessels.
Su GN, Hidaka M, Kimura Y, Yamamoto G:
In Situ Collagen Gelation: In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Animl 39: 368-374, 2003
A Novel Culture Morphology Resulting From Applied Mechanical Strain.
Grymes RA, Sawyer C
In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim 33: 392-397, 1997
A mesoscale study of the degradtion of bone structural degradation of bone structural properties in modeled microgravity conditions.
Cosmi F, Steimberg N, Mazzoleni G
J Mech Behav Biomed Mater. 2015 Jan 12;44C:61-70. doi: 10.1016/j.jmbbm.2015.01.002
A novel perfused rotary bioreactor for cardiomyogenesis of embryonic stem cells.
Teo A, Mantalaris A, Song K, Lim M
Biotechnol Lett. 2014 May;36(5):947-60. doi:10.1007/s10529-014-1456-y.
A validated model of GAG deposition, cell distribution and growth of tissue engineered cartilage cultured in a rotating bioreactor.
Nikolaev NI, Obradovic B, Versteeg HK, Lemon G, Williams DJ.
Biotechnol Bioeng 105:842-853, 2010
Accelerated and Improved Differentiation of Retinal Organoids from Pluripotent Stem Cells in Rotating-Wall Vessel Bioreactors
DiStefano T, Chen HY, Panebianco C, Kaya KD, Brooks MJ, Gieser L, Morgan NY, Pohida T, Swaroop A
Stem Cell Reports (2018) 10(1):300-313
Acceleration of diabetic wound healing by a cryopreserved living dermal substitute created by micronized amnion seeded with fibroblasts.
Zheng Y, Ji S, Wu H, Tian S, Wang X, Luo P, Fang H, Wang Z, Wang J, Wang Z, Xiao S, Xia Z.Am
J Transl Res. 2015 Dec 15;7(12):2683-93. eCollection 2015
Advanced 3D models culture to investigate mesenchymal stromal cells of the human dental follicle
Steimberg N, Angiero F, Farronato D, Berenzi A, Cossellu G, Ottonello A, Kaigler D, Mazzoleni G
Tissue Eng Part C Methods (2018)
Aligned Nanofibrous Cell-Derived Extracellular Matrix for Anisotropic Vascular Graft Construction.
Xing Q, Qian Z, Tahtinen M, Yap AH, Yates K, Zhao F.
Adv Healthc Mater. 2017 May;6(10). doi: 10.1002/adhm.201601333. Epub 2017 Feb 9.
An epidermal stem cells niche microenvironment created by engineered human amniotic membrane.
Ji SZ, Xiao SC, Luo PF, Huang GF, Wang GY, Zhu SH, Wu MJ, Xia ZF
Biomaterials.;32(31):7801-11, Nov 2011
Antimicrobial efficacy against Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm formation in a three-dimensional lungepithelial model and the influence of fetal bovine serum.
Crabbé A1,2, Liu Y2, Matthijs N1, Rigole P1, De La Fuente-Nùñez C3, Davis R2, Ledesma MA2, Sarker S2, Van Houdt R4, Hancock RE3, Coenye T1, Nickerson CA2,5
Sci Rep. 2017 Mar 3;7:43321. doi: 10.1038/srep43321.
Artificial tissue creation under microgravity conditions: Considerations and future applications
Swaminathan V, Bechtel G, V Tchantchaleishvili V
Artif Organs (2021) 45(12):1446-1455
Bacteria in the vaginal microbiome alter the innate immune response and barrier properties of the human vaginal epithelia in a species-specific manner.
Doerflinger SY1, Throop AL2, Herbst-Kralovetz MM2
J Infect Dis. 2014 Jun 15;209(12):1989-99. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jiu004. Epub 2014 Jan 7.
Bioreactor systems for bone tissue engineering.
Rauh J, Milan F, Günther KP, Stiehler M.
Tissue Eng Part B Rev. 2011 Aug;17(4):263-80.
Bone tissue engineering bioreactors: dynamic culture and the influence of shear stress.
Yeatts AB, Fisher JP
Bone; 48(2):171-81. 2011
Cell-Nanofiber-Based Cartilage tissue Engineering Using Improved Cell Seeding, Growth Factor, and Bioreactor Technologies.
Li WJ, Jiang YJ, Tuan RS.
Tissue Eng Part A 14:639-648, 2008
Chondrocytes and bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells undergoing chondrogenesis in agarose hydrogels of solid and channelled architectures respond differentially to dynamic culture conditions.
Sheehy EJ, Buckley CT, Kelly DJ
J Tissue Eng Regen Med. 2011 Oct;5(9):747-58. doi: 10.1002/term.385. Epub Jan 2011
Coculture of meniscus cells and mesenchymal stem cells in simulated microgravity
Weiss WM, Mulet-Sierra A, Kunze M, Jomha NM, Adesida AB
NPJ Microgravity (2017) 3:28
Computational fluid dynamics modeling of momentum transport in rotating wall perfused bioreactor for cartilage tissue engineering.
Cinbiz MN, Tli RS, Bekarde IG, Gümüdereliolu M, Colak U
J Biotechnol; 150(3):389-95; 2010
Computational modeling for the optimization of a cardiogenic 3D bioprocess of encapsulated embryonic stem cells.
Consolo F, Bariani C, Mantalaris A, Montevecchi F, Redaelli A, Morbiducci U.
Biomech Model Mechanobiol., Apr 2011
Culture of Organized Cell Communities
Freed LE and Vunjak-Novakovic G
Adv Drug Delivery Reviews 33: 15-30, 1998
Cytoskeletal and Functional Changes in Bioreactor Assembled Thyroid Tissue Organoids Exposed to Gamma Radiation.
Green LM, Patel Z, Murray DK, Rightnar S, Burell CG, Gridley DS, Nelson GA:
J Radiat. Res. 43: S213-S218, 2002.
Decellularized Extracellular Matrix Microparticles as a Vehicle for Cellular Delivery in a Model of Anastomosis Healinga.
Hoganson DM, Owens GE, Meppelink AM, Bassett EK, Bowley CM, Hinkel CJ, Finkelstein EB, Goldman SM, Vacanti JP.
J Biomed Mater Res A. 2016 Mar 4. doi: 10.1002/jbm.a.35703
Development of a Multicellular Three-dimensional Organotypic Model of the Human Intestinal Mucosa Grown Under Microgravity.
Salerno-Goncalves R, Fasano A, Sztein MB
J Vis Exp. 2016 Jul 25;(113). doi: 10.3791/54148.
Development of a Three-Dimensional Bioengineering Technology to Generate Lung Tissue for Personalized Disease Modeling.
Wilkinson DC, Alva-Ornelas JA, Sucre JM, Vijayaraj P, Durra A, Richardson W, Jonas SJ, Paul MK, Karumbayaram S, Dunn B, Gomperts BN.
Stem Cells Transl Med. 2017 6: 622-633
Development of a Three-Dimensional Transmigration Assay for Testing Cell-Polymer Interactions for Tissue Engineering Applications.
Gosiewska A, Rezania A, Dhanaraj S, Vyakarnam M, Zhou J, Brown L, Kong W, Zimmerman M and Geesin JC:
Tissue Eng 7: 267-77, 2001.
Development of a novel three-dimensional, automatable and integrated bioprocess for the differentiation of embryonic stem cells into pulmonary alveolar cells in a rotating vessel bioreactor system.
Ismail S, Samadikuchaksaraei A, Bishop A, Polak JM, Mantalaris A
Tissue Eng Part C Methods. 2012 Apr;18(4):263-72. doi: 10.1089/ten.TEC.2011.0299.
Differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cell spheroids under microgravity conditions
Cerwinka WH, Sharp SM, Boyan BD, Zhau HE, Chung LWK, Yates C,
Cell Regeneration 2012, 1:2
Differentiation of transforming growth factor β1-induced mesenchymal stem cells into nucleus pulposus-like cells under simulated microgravity conditions.
Han C, Jiang C, Yu C, Shen H.
Cell Mol Biol (Noisy-le-grand). 2015 May 16;61(2):50-5.
Direct orthotopic implantation of hepatic organoids.
Zhou VX, Lolas M, Chang TT
J Surg Res. 2017 May 1;211:251-260. doi: 10.1016/j.jss.2016.12.028. Epub 2016 Dec 29.
Effect Of Microgravity On Aromatase Expression In Sertoli Cells
Cirelli E, De Domenico E, Botti F, Massoud R, Geremia R, Grimaldi P
Sci Rep (2017) 7(1):3469
Effect of Culture in Simulated Microgravity on the Development of Mouse Embryonic Testes.
Nowacki D, Klinger FG, Mazur G, Felici MD
Adv Clin Exp Med. 2015 Sep-Oct;24(5):769-74. doi: 10.17219/acem/27920
Effect of Rotation on Scaffold Motion and Cell Growth in Rotating Bioreactors.
Varley MC, Markaki AE, Brooks RA.
Tissue Eng Part A. 2017 Jan 26. doi: 10.1089/ten.TEA.2016.0357.
Effect of microgravity on the mesenchymal stem cell characteristics of limbal fibroblasts.
Pao SI, Chien KH, Lin HT, Tai MC, Chen JT, Liang CM.
J Chin Med Assoc. 2017 May 18. pii: S1726-4901(17)30109-0. doi: 10.1016/j.jcma.2017.01.008.
Endothelial-like malignant glioma cells in dynamic three dimensional culture identifies a role for VEGF and FGFR in a tumor-derived angiogenic response.
Smith SJ, Ward JH, Tan C, Grundy RG, Rahman R
Oncotarget. 2015 Jun 2
Engineered bone tissue associated with vascularization utilizing a rotating wall vessel bioreactor.
Nishi M, Matsumoto R, Dong J, Uemura T.
J Biomed Mater Res A. 2012 Aug 3. doi: 10.1002/jbm.a.34340
Engineering three dimensional micro nerve tissue using postnatal stem cells from human dental apical papilla.
Kim BC, Jun SM, Kim SY, Kwon YD, Choe SC, Kim EC, Lee JH, Kim J, Suh JF, Hwang YS
Biotechnol Bioeng. 2016 Oct 24. doi: 10.1002/bit.26205.
Enhanced cardiac differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells by use of the slow-turning, lateral vessel (STLV) bioreactor.
Rungarunlert S, Klincumhom N, Bock I, Nemes C, Techakumphu M, Pirity MK, Dinnyes A
Biotechnol Lett. 2011 Aug;33(8):1565-73, 2011
Enhanced cell ingrowth and proliferation through three dimensional nano composite scaffolds with controlled pore structures.
Lee KW, Wang S, Dadsetan M, Yaszemski MJ, Lu L.
Biomacromolecules. 11:682-9, 2010
Enhanced neurotrophin synthesis and molecular differentiation in non-transformed human retinal progenitor cells cultured in a rotating bioreactor.
Kumar R, Dutt K:
Tissue Eng. 12: 141-158, 2006.
Enhancement of matrix production and cell proliferation in human annulus cells under bioreactor culture.
Yang X, Wang D, Hao J, Gong M, Arlet V, Balian G, Shen FH, Li XJ
Tissue Eng Part A.; 17(11-12):1595-603, June 2011
Establishment of a 3D-dynamic osteoblasts-osteoclasts co-culture model to simulate the jawbone microenvironment in vitro.
Penolazzi L, Lolli A, Sardelli L, Angelozzi M, Lambertini E, Trombelli L, Ciarpella F, RenataVecchiatini, Piva R
Life Sci. 2016 Mar 22. pii: S0024-3205(16)30151-5. doi: 10.1016/j.lfs.2016.03.035.
Fibroblasts maintained in 3 dimensions show a better differentiation state and higher sensitivity to estrogens
Montani C, Steimberg N, Boniotti J, Biasiotto G, Zanella I, Diafera G, Biunno I, Caimi L, Mazzoleni G, Di Lorenzo D.
Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2014 Aug 28. pii: S0041-008X(14)00313-5. doi: 10.1016/j.taap.2014.08.021.
Formation of three-dimensional cell/polymer constructs for bone tissue engineering in a spinner flask and a rotating wall vessel bioreactor.
Sikavitsas VI, Bancroft GN, Mikos AG:
J Biomed Mater Res 62: 136-148, 2002.
GTSF-2: A New, Versatile Cell Culture Medium for Diverse Normal and Transformed Mammalian Cells.
Lelkes PI, Ramos E, Nikolaychik VV, Wankowski D, Unsworth B, Goodwin TJ
In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim 33: 344-351, 1997
Generating mechanically stable, pediatric, and scaffold-free nasal cartilage constructs in vitro
Akbari P, Waldman SD, Propst E, Cushing SL, Weber JF, Yeger H, Farhat WA
Tissue Eng Part C Methods. 2016 Nov 9.
Generation of 3-D Retina-Like Structures From a Human Retinal Cell Line in a NASA Bioreactor.
Dutt K, Harris-HookerS, Ellerson D, Layne D, Kumar R, Hunt R
Cell Trans 12: 717-731, 2003
Generation of Bioartificial Salivary Gland Using Whole-Organ Decellularized Bioscaffold
Gao Z, Wu T, Xu J, Liu G, Xie Y, Zhang C, Wang J, Wang S
Cells Tissues Organs. 2015 March 25; doi:10.00.1159/00371873
Growing Tissues in Real and Simulated Microgravity: New Methods for Tissue Engineering.
Grimm D, Wehland M, Pietsch J, Aleshcheva G, Wise P, van Loon J, Ulbrich C, Magnusson NE, Infanger M, Bauer J.
Tissue Eng Part B Rev. 2014 Apr 4. Epub ahead of print
Hetero-cellular prototyping by synchronized multi-material bioprinting for rotary cell culture system.
Snyder J1, Son AR, Hamid Q, Wu H, Sun W
Biofabrication. 2016 Jan 13;8(1):015002
Human elastic cartilage engineering from cartilage progenitor cells using rotating wall vessel bioreactor.
Takebe T, Kobayashi S, Kan H, Suzuki H, Yabuki Y, Mizuno M, Adegawa T, Yoshioka T, Tanaka J,Maegawa J, Taniguchi H.
Transplant Proc. 2012 May;44(4):1158-61.
Human three-dimensional endometrial epithelial cell model to study host interactions with vaginal bacteria and Neisseria gonorrhoeae.
Łaniewski P, Gomez A, Hire G, So M, Herbst-Kralovetz MM
Infect Immun. 2017 Jan 4. pii: IAI.01049-16. doi: 10.1128/IAI.01049-16.
Hypoxia Created Human Mesenchymal Stem Cell Sheet for Prevascularized 3D Tissue Construction
Zhang L, Xing Q, Qian Z, Tahtinen M, Zhang Z, Shearier E, Qi S, Zhao F
Adv Healthc Mater. 2015 Dec 14. doi: 10.1002/adhm.2
IL-36γ Augments Host Defense and Immune Responses in Human Female Reproductive Tract Epithelial Cells
Sean M. Winkle, Andrea L. Throop and Melissa M. Herbst-Kralovetz. Front.
Microbiol., 17 June 2016 |
Impact of Scaffold Micro and Macro Architecture on Schwann Cell Proliferation under Dynamic Conditions in a Rotating Wall Vessel Bioreactor.
Valmikinathan CM, Hoffman J, Yu X.
Mater Sci Eng C Mater Biol Appl. 2011 Jan 1;31(1):22-29
In Vitro Growth of Mouse Preantral Follicles Under Simulated Microgravity
Zhang S, Wu Y, Weng Y, Xu Z, Chen W, Zheng D, Lin W, Liu J, Zhou Y
J Vis Exp (2017) (130)
In vitro three-dimensional development of mouse molar tooth germs in a rotary cell culture system.
Sun L, Yang C, Ge Y, Yu M, Chen G, Guo W, Tian W
Int J Paediatr Dent. 2013 Jul 19. doi: 10.1111/ipd.12057.
In-vitro reconstitution of hepatic tissue architecture with neonatal mouse liver cells using three –dimensional culture.
Okamura A, Zheng YW, Hirochika R, Tanaka J, Taniguchi H
J Nanosci Nanotechnol 7: 721- 725, 2007
Increased proliferation and adhesion properties of human dental pulp stem cells in PLGA scaffolds via simulated microgravity.
He L, Pan S, Li Y, Zhang W, Yi H, Song C, Niu Y
Int. Endod J. 2015 Feb 19. doi: 10:1111/iej.12441
Induction of mesenchymal stem cell chondrogenic differentiation and functional cartilage microtissue formation for in vivo cartilage regeneration by cartilage extracellular matrix-derived particles.
Yin H, Wang Y, Sun Z, Sun X, Xu Y, Li P, Meng H, Yu X, Xiao B, Fan T, Wang Y, Xu W, Wang A, Guo Q, Peng J, Lu S
Acta Biomater. 2016 Jan 20. pii: S1742-7061(16)30024-1. doi: 10.1016/j.actbio.2016.01.024.
Influence of acellular natural lung matrix on murine embryonic stem cell differentiation and tissue formation.
Cortiella J, Niles J, Cantu A, Brettler A, Pham A, Vargas G, Winston S, Wang J, Walls S, Nichols JE.
Tissue Eng Part A. 16(8):2565-80, 2010
Labeling of primary human hepatocytes with micron-sized iron oxide particles in suspension culture suitable for large-scale preparation.
Kammer NN, Billecke N, Morgul MH, Adonopoulou MK, Mogl M, Huang MD, Florek S, Schmitt KR, Raschzok N, Sauer IM.
Artif Organs. 35(4):E91-100. doi: 10.1111/j.1525-1594.2010.01177.x., 2011
Low gravity rotational culture and the integration of immunomodulatory stem cells reduce human islet allo-reactivity.
Qureshi KM, Lee J, Paget MB, Bailey CJ, Curnow SJ, Murray HE, Downing R
Clin. Transplant. 2015 Jan;29(1):90:8. doi: 10.1111/ctr.12488. Epub 2014 Dec 5.
Mesenchymal stem cells support growth and organization of host-liver colorectal-tumor organoids and possibly resistance to chemotherapy
Devarasetty M, Wang E, Soker S, Skardal A
Biofabrication (2017) 9(2):021002
Microbial products alter the expression of membrane-associated mucin and antimicrobial peptides in a three-dimensional human endocervical epithelial cell model.
Radtke AL, Quayle AJ, Herbst-Kralovetz MM.
Biol Reprod. 2012 Dec 6;87(6):132. doi: 10.1095/biolreprod.112.103366. Print 2012 Jun.
Microgravity Tissue Engineering.
Freed LE and Vunjak-Novakovic G
In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim 33: 381-385, 1997
Microgravity as a means to incorporate HepG2 aggregates in polysaccharide-protein hybrid scaffold.
Sarika PR, James NR, Anilkumar PR, Raj DK, Kumary TV.
J Mater Sci Mater Med. 2016 Feb;27(2):27. doi: 10.1007/s10856-015-5638-5.
Modeling Host-Pathogen Interactions in the Context of the Microenvironment: Three-Dimensional Cell Culture Comes of Age
Barrila J, Crabbé A, Yang J, Franco K, Nydam SD, Forsyth RJ, Davis RR, Gangaraju S, Ott M, Coyne CB, Bissell MJ, Nickerson CA
Infection and Immunity (2018) 86(11): e00282-18
Modeling Multiple Myeloma-Bone Marrow interactions and response to drugs in a 3D surrogate microenvironment
Belloni D, Heltai S, Ponzoni M, Villa A, Vergani B, Pecciarini L, Marcatti M, Girlanda S, Tonon G, Ciceri F, Caligaris-Cappio F, Ferrarini M, Ferrero E
Haematologica (2018)
Mycoplasma genitalium infection activates cellular host defense and inflammation pathways in a 3-dimensional human endocervical epithelial cell model.
McGowin CL, Radtke AL, Abraham K, Martin DH, Herbst-Kralovetz M.
J Infect Dis. 2013 Jun 15;207(12):1857-68. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jit101. Epub 2013 Mar 14.
NASA approved rotary bioreactor enhances proliferation and osteogenesis of human periodontal ligament stem cells.
Li S, Ma Z, Niu Z, Qian H, Xuan D, Hou R, Ni L.
Stem Cells Dev. 18:1273-82, 2009
NASA-Approved Rotary Bioreactor Enhances Proliferation of Human Epidermal Stem Cells and Supports Formation of 3D Epidermis-Like Structure.
Lei XH, Ning LN, Cao YJ, Liu S, Zhang SB, Qiu ZF, Hu HM, Zhang HS, Liu S, Duan EK
PLoS One. 6(11):e26603; Nov 2011
Nano-ceramic composite scaffolds for bioreactor-based bone engineering.
Lv Q, Deng M, Ulery BD, Nair LS, Laurencin CT.
Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2013 Aug;471(8):2422-33. doi: 10.1007/s11999-013-2859-0.
Novel Bioreactor Platform for Scalable Cardiomyogenic Differentiation from Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Embryoid Bodies.
Rungarunlert S, Ferreira JN, Dinnyes A
Methods Mol Biol. 2016 Apr 5.
Numerical Simulation of Mass Transfer and Three-Dimensional Fabrication of Tissue-Engineered Cartilages Based on Chitosan/Gelatin Hybrid Hydrogel Scaffold in a Rotating Bioreactor.
Zhu Y, Song K, Jiang S, Chen J, Tang L, Li S, Fan J, Wang Y, Zhao J, Liu T.
Appl Biochem Biotechnol. 2016 Aug 15.
Numerical simulation of fluid field and in vitro three-dimensional fabrication of tissue-engineered bones in a rotating bioreactor and in vivo implantation for repairing segmental bone defects.
Song K, Wang H, Zhang B, Lim M, Liu Y, Liu T.
Cell Stress Chaperones. 2013 Mar;18(2):193-201. doi: 10.1007/s12192-012-0370-2.
Optimal 3D culture of primary articular chondrocytes for use in the rotating wall vessel bioreactor.
Mellor LF, Baker TL, Brown RJ, Catlin LW, Oxford JT.
Aviat Space Environ Med. 2014 Aug;85(8):798-804. doi: 10.3357/ASEM.3905.2014.
Pediatric laryngotracheal reconstruction with tissue-engineered cartilage in a rabbit model.
Jacobs IN, Redden RA, Goldberg R, Hast M, Salowe R, Mauck RL, Doolin EJ.
Laryngoscope. 2016 Jan;126 Suppl 1:S5-21. doi: 10.1002/lary.25676.
RCCS Bioreactor-Based Modelled Microgravity Induces Significant Changes on In Vitro 3D Neuroglial Cell Cultures.
Morabito C, Steimberg N, Mazzoleni G, Guarnieri S, Fano-Illic G, Mariggio MA.
Biomed Res Int. 2015 Jan 13; 2015:754283. doi 10:1155/2015/754283
RCCS enhances EOE cell proliferation and their differentiation into ameloblasts.
Li P, Zhang Y, Wang YM, Duan CM, Hao T, Wu BL, Wang CY.
Mol Biol Rep. 2012 Jan;39(1):309-17. doi: 10.1007/s11033-011-0740-3. Epub June 2011
Recellularization of decellularized lung scaffolds is enhanced by dynamic suspension culture.
Crabbé A1, Liu Y1, Sarker SF1, Bonenfant NR2, Barrila J1, Borg ZD2, Lee JJ3, Weiss DJ2, Nickerson CA4
PLoS One. 2015 May 11;10(5):e0126846. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0126846. eCollection 2015.
Reconstitution of hepatic tissue architectures from fetal liver cells obtained from a three-dimensional culture with a rotating wall vessel bioreactor.
Ishikawa M, Sekine K, Okamura A, Zheng YW, Ueno Y, Koike N, Tanaka J, Taniguchi H.
J Biosci Bioeng. 111(6):711-8. June 2011
Reconstruction of Functional Cortical-Like Tissues from Neural Stem and Progenitor Cells.
Ma W, Tavakoli T, Chen S, Maric D, Liu JL, O'Shaughnessy TJ.
Tissue Eng Part A 14: 1687-1697, 2008
Reduced Shear Stress: A Major Component in the Ability of Mammalian Tissues to Form Three Dimensional Assemblies in Simulated Microgravity.
Goodwin TJ, Prewett TL, Wolf DA and Spaulding GF
J Cell Biochem 51: 301-311, 1993.
Rotating microgravity-bioreactor cultivation enhances the hepatic differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells on biodegradable polymer scaffolds.
Wang Y, Zhang Y, Zhang S, Peng G, Liu T, Li Y, Xiang D, Wassler MJ, Shelat HS, Geng Y.
Tissue Eng Part A. 2012 Nov;18(21-22):2376-85. doi: 10.1089/ten.TEA.2012.0097. 2012 Sep 24.
Rotating-Wall Vessel Co-culture Of Small Intestine As A Prelude To Tissue Modeling
Goodwin TJ, Schroeder WF, Wolf DA and Moyer MP
Aspects of Simulated Microgravity. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 202: 181-192, 1993
Rotational co-culture of clonal β-cells with endothelial cells: effect of PPAR-γ agonism in vitro on insulin and VEGF secretion.
Paget MB1, Murray HE, Bailey CJ, Flatt PR, Downing R
Diabetes Obes Metab. 2011 Jul;13(7):662-8. doi: 10.1111/j.1463-1326.2011.01392.x.
Scaffold-free Tissue Formation Under Real and Simulated Microgravity Conditions.
Aleshcheva G, Bauer J, Hemmersbach R, Slumstrup L, Wehland M, Infanger M, Grimm D.
Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol. 2016 Oct;119 Suppl 3:26-33. doi: 10.1111/bcpt.12561.
Scaffold-free and scaffold-assisted 3D culture enhances differentiation of bone marrow stromal cells.
Vidyasekar P, Shyamsunder P, Sahoo SK, Verma RS
In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim. 2015 Nov 5
Scaffold-free, Human Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Based Tissue Engineered Blood Vessels.
Jung Y, Ji H, Chen Z, Fai Chan H, Atchison L, Klitzman B, Truskey G, Leong KW.
Sci Rep. 2015 Oct 12;5:15116. doi: 10.1038/srep15116
Slow turning lateral vessel bioreactor improves embryoid body formation and cardiogenic differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells.
Rungarunlert S, Klincumhom N, Tharasanit T, Techakumphu M, Pirity MK, Dinnyes A.
Cell Reprogram. 2013 Oct;15(5):443-58. doi: 10.1089/cell.2012.0082.
Spaceflight Bioreactor Studies of Cells and Tissues.
Freed LE, Vunjak-Novakovic G
Adv Space Biol Med 8:177-195, 2002.
Structural and biomechanical characterizations of porcine myocardial extracellular matrix.
Wang B, Tedder ME, Perez CE, Wang G, de Jongh Curry AL, To F, Elder SH, Williams LN, Simionescu DT, Liao J
J Mater Sci Mater Med. 2012 May
The Use of Rotating Wall Bioreactors for the Assembly of Differentiated Tissue-Like Organoids.
Unsworth BR, Lelkes PI
Advances in Tissue Engineering: New developments in cartilage, skin and bone engineering, Chap 2.3, pp. 113-32, 1998.
The effect of simulated microgravity on human mesenchymal stem cells cultured in an osteogenic differentiation system: a bioinformatics study.
Sheyn D, Pelled G, Netanely D, Domany E, Gazit D
Tissue Eng Part A. 16(11):3403-12, 2010
The effect of the microgravity rotating culture system on the chondrogenic differentiation of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells.
Wu X, Li SH, Lou LM, Chen ZR.
Mol Biotechnol. 2013 Jun;54(2):331-6. doi: 10.1007/s12033-012-9568-x.
The generation of 3-D tissue models based on hyaluronan hydrogel-coated microcarriers within a rotating wall vessel bioreactor.
Skardal A, Sarker SF, Crabbé A, Nickerson CA, Prestwich GD
Biomaterials. 31(32):8426-35, 2010
The simulated microgravity enhances multipotential differentiation capacity of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells.
Wang N, Wang H, Chen J, Zhang X, Xie J, Li Z, Ma J, Wang W, Wang Z.;
Cytotechnology. 2014 Jan;66(1):119-31. doi: 10.1007/s10616-013-9544-8.
The simulated microgravity enhances the differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells into neurons.
Chen J, Liu R, Yang Y, Li J, Zhang X, Li J, Wang Z, Ma J.
Neurosci Lett.;505(2):171-5. Nov 2011
The use of murine embryonic stem cells, alginate encapsulation, and rotary microgravity bioreactor in bone tissue engineering.
Hwang YS, Cho J, Tay F, Heng JY, Ho R, Kazarian SG, Williams DR, Boccaccini AR, Polak JM, Mantalaris A
Biomaterials 30: 499-507, 2008
Three-Dimensional Model of Angiogenesis: Coculture of Human Retinal Cells with Bovine Aortic Endothelial Cells in the NASA Bioreactor.
Dutt K, Sanford G, Harris-Hooker S, Brako L, Kumar R, Sroufe A, Melhado S:
Tissue Eng 9: 893-907 2003.
Three-Dimensional Rotating Wall Vessel-Derived Cell Culture Models for Studying Virus-Host Interactions.
Gardner JK, Herbst-Kralovetz MM
Viruses. 2016 Nov 9;8(11). pii: E304
Three-dimensional Growth of Endothelial Cells in the Microgravity-Based Rotating Wall Vessel Bioreactor:
Sanford GL, Ellerson D, Melhado-Gardner C, Sroufe AE, Harris-Hooker S:
In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim., 38: 493-504, 2002
Three-dimensional adipose tissue model using low shear bioreactors.
Fry CA, Patrick CW.
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Three-dimensional organotypic co-culture model of intestinal epithelial cells and macrophages to study Salmonella enterica colonization patterns
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