Synthecon: 3D Culture Systems for 3D World!

Products / Biostructure Matrix Scaffolds

BiostructureMatrix Scaffolds

The BiostructureMatrix bioabsorbable scaffold has a "felt-like" structure created by a carding and needle-punch process, which tightly integrates non-woven polymer fibers into a cohesive, felt material. These non-woven structures provide greater surface area than many biomedical textiles, and demonstrate customized material performance through their ability to encourage cellular in-growth,  specific spacing, controlled layer thickness, material integrity, and controlled absorption profiles for 3D cell culture. We provide BiostructureMatrix scaffolds composed of PGA.  All BiostructureMatrix materials are biocompatible and have differing degradation profiles ranging from less than 30 days to 1 year.  BiostructureMatrix scaffolds can be engineered to a wide variety of sizes and shapes. We typically provide them in sheets, and discs. Additionally, if you have other ideas for shapes or sizes in mind, please send an inquiry.

Polymers Available:
  • PGA
Single Use 3D BioreactorsAutoclavable 3D BioreactorsStem Cell Culture SystemsPerfusion Bioreactors Nanobiomatrix ScaffoldsBiostructure Matrix Scaffolds
Synthecon, Incorporated | 8977 Interchange Dr. | Houston, Texas 77054 | (713) 741-2582 | Toll Free (800) 853-0740
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