3D Cell Culture Bioreactors- Rotary Cell Culture
The Rotary Cell Culture System (RCCS) is a unique 3D cell culture technology for culturing both suspension and anchorage-dependent cells. It is the first bioreactor system designed to simultaneously integrate the ability to co-culture cells, and the features of low shear force (and consequently low turbulence), and high mass transfer of nutrients. Together these properties encourage spheroid formation and proliferation of cells within the three-dimensional spheroids.
Browse the models of the Rotary Cell Culture Systems by selecting one of the categories below.
RCCS Features:
Ability to co-culture multiple cell types in a 3D spheroid morphology
Can be used with or without scaffolds to generate 3D cell models
Low shear force in the rotating vessel (low turbulence) allows spheroid growth
High mass transfer of nutrients in media prevents cell death within spheroid core
Ability to vary rotation speed with tachometer
3D Cell Culture Applications using the RCCS:
Stem Cell Maintanance
Stem Cell Expansion
Stem Cell Differentiation
Host-Pathogen Studies
Cancer Modeling/ Tumor Spheroid Culture
Cancer Cell Invasion Studies
Tissue Engineering
Spheroid Formation and Culture
Explant Culture
Organoid Culture
Interested in Something Different to Better Fit Your Application?
We frequently receive requests for custom designed systems to better fit certain applications, as well as slight modifications to our current systems. We are confident that we can manufacture any system that will fit YOUR design and application requirements. Send us a message or give us a call to let us know what you have in mind.