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Research Publications / General Articles

3D sample preparation for orthopaedic tissue engineering bioreactors
Cartmell SH, Rathbone S, Jones G, Hidalgo-Bastida LA
Textbook chapter in 3D Cell Culture: Methods and Protocols, ISBN 978-1-60761-983-3
A Countermeasure to Ameliorate Immune Dysfunction in In Vitro Simulated Microgravity Environment: Role of Cellular Nucleotide Nutrition
Hales NW, Yamauchi K, Martinez AA, Sundaresan A, Pellis NR and Kulkarni AD
In Vitro Cell Dev Biol (Animal) 38(4):213-217, 2002
A Critical Period for Functional Vestibular Development in Zebrafish
Moorman SJ, Cordova R, Davies SA
Dev Dyn 223: 285-291, 2002
Advances in Cellular Construction.
Spaulding GF, Jessup JM and Goodwin TJ
J Cell Biochem 51: 249-251, 1993 [PubMed ID: 8501125]
Analysis of Gravity-Induced Particle Motion and Fluid Perfusion Flow in the NASADesigned Rotating Zero-Head-Space Tissue Culture Vessel.
Wolf DA, Schwarz RP
NASA Technical Paper 3143, October, 1991.
Artificial tissue creation under microgravity conditions: Considerations and future applications
Swaminathan V, Bechtel G, V Tchantchaleishvili V
Artif Organs (2021) 45(12):1446-1455
Assessing cisplatin-induced ototoxicity and otoprotection in whole organ culture of the mouse inner ear in simulated microgravity
Tropitzsch A, Arnold H, Bassiouni M, Müller A, Eckhard A, Müller M, Löwenheim H.
Toxicol Lett. 2014 Apr 5. pii: S0378-4274(14)00144-1. doi: 10.1016/j.toxlet.2014.03.022.
Bioreactor systems for bone tissue engineering
Rauh J, Milan F, Günther KP, Stiehler M
Tissue Eng Part B Rev. 2011 Aug;17(4):263-80
Cell Culture for Three-Dimensional Modeling in Rotating Wall Vessels: An Application of Simulated Microgravity
Schwarz RP, Goodwin TJ, Wolf DA
J Tissue Culture Methods 14: 51-58, 1992
Changes in gravitational force affect gene expression in developing organ systems at different developmental times.
Shimada N, Sokunbi G, Moorman SJ
BMC Dev Biol 5: 10 , 2005
Comparative Effectiveness of a Clinostat and a Slow-Turning Lateral Vessel at Mimicking the Ultrastructural Effects of Microgravity in Plant Cells
Moore R.
Ann Bot (Lond). 66: 541-549, 1990
Continuous Glucose Monitoring and Control in a Rotating Wall Perfused Bioreactor.
Xu Y, Sun J, Mathew G, Jeevarajan AS, Anderson MM
Biotechnol Bioeng. 86: 473-477, 2004
Continuous pH Monitoring in a Perfused Bioreactor System Using an Optical pH Sensor.
Jeevarajan AS, Vani S, Taylor TD, Anderson MM
Biotechnol Bioeng 78: 467-472, 2002
Cultivation of Lacrimal gland acinar cells in a microgravity environment.
Schrader S, Kremling C, Clinger M, Lagua H, Geerling G
Br J Ophthalmol. 93: 1121-1125, 2009
Culturing and applications of rotating wall vessel bioreactor derived 3D epithelial cell models. (Video Article)
Radtke AL, Herbst-Kralovetz MM
J Vis Exp. 2012 Apr 3;(62). pii: 3868. doi: 10.3791/3868
Does reduced gravity alter cellular responses to ionizing radiation?
Manti L.
Radiat Environ Biophys 45: 1-8, 2006
Effect of Microgravity on Fungistatic Activity of an α-Aminophosphonate Chitosan Derivative against Aspergillus niger
Kesavan Devarayan , Yesupatham Sathishkumar , Yang Soo Lee , Byoung-Suhk Kim
Published: October 15, 2015
Effect of Rotation on Scaffold Motion and Cell Growth in Rotating Bioreactors
Varley MC, Markaki AE, Brooks RA
Tissue Eng Part A. 2017 Jan 26. doi: 10.1089/ten.TEA.2016.0357
Effect of simulated microgravity on metabolism of HGC‑27 gastric cancer cells
ZHENG‑YANG CHEN1, NAN JIANG1,2, S Guo, B‑B Li, J‑Q Yang,S‑B Chai, H‑F Yan, P‑M Sun, T Zhang, H‑W Sun, H‑M Yang, J‑L Zhou and Y Cui
ONCOLOGY LETT 19: 3439-3450, 2020
Effects of Simulated Microgravity on Expression Profile of MicroRNA in Human Lymphoblastoid Cells
Mangala LS, Zhang Y, He Z, Emami K, Ramesh GT, Story M, Rohde LH, Wu H.
J Biol Chem. 286(37):32483-90, 2011
Effects of Simulated Microgravity on the Physiology of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and Multiomic Analysis
Su X, Guo Y, Fang T, Jiang X, Wang D, Li D, Bai P, Zhang B, Wang J and Liu C
Front Microbiol 2021; 12:701265
Ex-Vivo Dynamic 3-D Culture of Human Tissues in the RCCS™ Bioreactor Allows the Study of Multiple Myeloma Biology and Response to Therapy.
Ferrarini M, Steimberg N, Ponzoni M, Belloni D, Berenzi A, Girlanda S, Caligaris-Cappio F, Mazzoleni G, Ferrero E.
PLoS One. 2013 Aug 26;8(8):e71613. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0071613.
Exosomes derived from umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells in mechanical environment show improved osteochondral activity via upregulation of LncRNA H19
Yan L, Liu G, and Wu X
J Orthop Translat 26, 2021; 111–120
From Single Cells to Engineered and Explanted Tissues: New Perspectives in Bacterial Infection Biology
Bergmann S, Steinert M
Int Rev Cell Mol Biol. 2015;319:1-44. doi: 10.1016/bs.ircmb.2015.06.003. Epub 2015 Jul 21.
Gene expression and survival changes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae during suspension culture.
Johanson K, Allen PL, Gonzalez-Villalobos RA, Baker CB, D'Elia R, Hammond TG
Biotechnol Bioeng 93: 1050-1059, 2006
Growing Tissues in Microgravity
Unsworth BR and Lelkes PI
Nature Medicine 4: 901-907, 1998
Growing tissues in real and simulated microgravity - new methods for tissue engineering
Grimm D, Wehland M, Pietsch J, Aleshcheva G, Wise P, van Loon J, Ulbrich C, Magnusson NE, Infanger M, Bauer J
Tissue Eng Part B Rev. 2014 Apr 4
Growth and Metabolism of the Green Alga, Chlorella Pyrenoidosa, in Simulated Microgravity
Mills W.R. Pierson D.L
NASA Technical Report; 2000, NASA/JSC Life Sciences Research Laboratories Final Report
Growth of Staphylococcus aureus Using a Rotary Cell Culture System
Hauserman MR, Rice KC
Methods Mol Biol 2021;2341:79-88.
Human immune system adaptations to simulated microgravity revealed by single‑cell mass cytometry
Spatz JM, Hughes Fulford M, Tsai A, Gaudilliere D, Hedou J, Ganio E, Angst M, Aghaeepour N and Gaudilliere B
Scientific Reports 2021; 11:11872
In situ monitoring of 3D in vitro cell aggregation using an optical imaging system
Sawyer N, Worrall L, Crowe J, Waters, S, Shakesheff K, Rose F, Morgan S.
Biotechnol Bioeng 100:159-167, 2007
Increase in Synthesis of Human Monoclonal Antibodies by Transfected Sp2/0 Myeloma Mouse Cell Line Under Conditions of Microgravity.
Foster LJ, Catzel D, Atwa S, Zarka M, Mahler SM:
Biotechnol Lett. Aug. 25: 1271-1274, 2003
Inflammation is involved in response of gastric mucosal epithelial cells under simulated microgravity by integrated transcriptomic analysis.
Chai S, Guo S, Yang J, Lu S, Yuan Y, Li H, Sun P, Zhang T, Xu B, Sun H, Si S, Zhou J, Yang J, Yang H, Li Z, Cui Y
Am J Transl Res 2021;13(8):9195-9207
Long-Term Continuous Monitoring of Dissolved Oxygen in Cell Culture Medium for Perfused Bioreactors Using Optical Oxygen Sensors
Gao FG, Jeevarajan AS, Anderson MM
Biotechnol Bioeng. 86: 425-433, 2004
Low-Shear Modeled Microgravity: A Global Environmental Regulatory Signal Affecting Bacterial Gene Expression, Physiology, and Pathogenesis
Nickerson CA, Ott CM, Wilson JW, Ramamurthy R, LeBlanc CL,et al
Journal of Microbiol Methods 54:1-11, 2003
Membrane Potential Mediates H+-ATPase Dependence of “Degradative Pathway” Endosomal Fusion.
Hammond T, Gonda F, Navar G, Campbell W, Majewski R, Galvan D, Pontillion F, Kaysen J, Goodwin T, Paddock S and Verroust P
J Memb Biol 162: 157-167, 1998
Methods for studying MLO-Y4 osteocytes in collagen-hydroxyapatite scaffolds in the rotary cell culture system
Fournier R, Harrison, RE
Connect Tissue Res . 2020; 21;1-18.
Mitophagy contributes to endothelial adaptation to simulated microgravity
Locatelli L, Cazzaniga A, De Palma C, Castiglioni S, Maier JAM
FASEB J 2020; 34(1): 1833-1845
Modeling Host-Pathogen Interactions in the Context of the Microenvironment: Three-Dimensional Cell Culture Comes of Age
Barrila J, Crabbé A, Yang J, Franco K, Nydam SD, Forsyth RJ, Davis RR, Gangaraju S, Ott M, Coyne, CB, Bissell MJ, Nickerson CA
Infection and Immunity 2018; 86(11): e00282-18
Modulation of Human Endothelial Cell Behavior in Simulated Microgravity.
Carrlsson SI, Bertilaccio MT, Ascari I, Bradamante S, Maier JA
J Gravit Physiol 9: P273-274, 2002
Monitoring and Controlling the Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Concentration Within the High Aspect Ration Vessel (HARV)
Saarinen MA, Reece JS, Arnold MA, Murhammer DW
Biotechnol. Prog. 19; 1335-1341, 2003
Morin Sulphates/Glucuronides Enhance Macrophage Function in Microgravity Culture System
Hsieh C, Chao P, Fang S
European Journal of Clinical Investigation 35, 591-596, 2005
Morphological characteristics and proliferation of keratocytes cultured under simulated microgravity.
Chen J, Chen R, Gao S.
Artif Organs 31: 722-731, 2007
NASA Biotechnology: Cell Science in Microgravity
Jessup JM, and Pellis NR
In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim 37: 2 p preceding 63, 2001
Nitric oxide affects preimplantation embryonic development in a rotating wall vessel bioreactor simulating microgravity
Cao YJ, Fan XJ, Shen Z, Ma BH, Duan EK
Cell Biol. Int. 31: 24-29, 2007
Numerical Model and Experimental Validation of Microcarrier Motion in a Rotating Bioreactor
Pollack SR, Meaney DF, Levine EM, Litt M, Johnston ED
Tiss Engin 6: 519-530, 2000.
Nutrition Countermeasure and Immune Function in Microgravity
Kulkarni AD, Yamauchi K. and Pellis NR
Proceedings of the 2nd Pan Pacific Basin Workshop on Microgravity Sciences, Pasadena, CA. April 2001BT1099:1-10, 2001
On-Line Measurement of Glucose in a Rotating Wall Perfused Vessel Using an Amperometric Glucose Sensor
Yuanhang Xu, Antony S. Jeevarajan, James M. Gay, Thomas D Taylor, Melody M. Anderson:
J The Electrochemical Society, 149: H103- H106, 2002
Optimized Suspension Culture: The Rotating-Wall Vessel
Hammond TG, and Hammond JM
Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 281: F12-F25, 2001
Organotypic 3D cell culture models: using the rotating wall vessel to study host-pathogen interactions
Barrila J, Radtke AL, Crabbé A, Sarker SF, Herbst-Kralovetz MM, Ott CM, Nickerson CA
Nat Rev Microbiol. 2010 Nov;8(11):791-801
Oxygen transport and consumption by suspended cells in microgravity: A multiphase analysis
Kwon O, Devarakonda SB, Sankovic JM, Banerjee RK.
Biotechnol Bioeng 99:99-107, 2008
RWPV Bioreactor Mass Transport: Earth-Based and in Microgravity
Begley CM, Kleis SJ
Biotechnol Bioeng, 80: 465-76, 2002.
Regulation of the Response of Caenorhabditis elegans to Simulated Microgravity by p38 Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Signaling
Li W, Wang D, Wang D.
Sci Rep. 2018 Jan 16;8(1):857. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-19377-z
Responses Of Gravity Level Variations On The NASA JSC Bioreactor System.
Tsao YD, Goodwin TJ, Wolf DA, Spaulding GF
Physiologist 35: Suppl S49-50, 1992.[PubMed ID: 1589533]
Rotary culture promotes the proliferation of MCF-7 cells encapsulated in three-dimensional collagen-alginate hydrogels via activation of the ERK1/2-MAPK pathway
Zheng H, Tian W, Yan H, Yue L, Zhang Y, Han F, Chen X, Li Y
Biomed Mater. 2012 Feb;7(1):015003. doi: 10.1088/1748-6041/7/1/015003
Rotating cell culture systems for human cell culture: human trophoblast cells as a model
Zwezdaryk KJ, Warner JA, Machado HL, Morris CA, Höner zu Bentrup K
J Vis Exp. 2012 Jan 18;(59). pii: 3367. doi: 10.3791/3367.
Scaffold-free Tissue Formation Under Real and Simulated Microgravity Conditions
Aleshcheva G, Bauer J, Hemmersbach R, Slumstrup L, Wehland M, Infanger M, Grimm D
Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol. 2016 Oct;119 Suppl 3:26-33. doi: 10.1111/bcpt.12561.
Simulated Conditions Of Microgravity Suppress Progesterone Production by Luteal Cells of the Pregnant Rat
Bhat GK, Yang H, Sridaran R:
J Gravit Physiol Dec; 8: 57-66, 2001
Simulated Weightlessness in the Design and Exploitation of a NMR-Compatible Bioreactor
Bradamante S, Barenghi L, Villa A
Biotechnol Prog. 20: 1454-1459, 2004.
Simulated microgravity, erythroid differentiation, and the expression of transcription factor GATA-1 in CD34+ cells.
Zheng L, Liu JZ, Hu YW, Zhong TY, Xiong SL, Wang W, Wang Q.
Aviat Space Environ Med. 82(5):513-7, 2011
Simulated microgravity-induced epigenetic changes in human lymphocytes
Singh KP, Kumari R, Dumond JW
J Cell Biochem. 111(1):123-9, 2010
Space Immunology and Countermeasure Research in Modeled Microgravity
Kulkarni AD, Yamauchi K. Taga M, Savary CA, Sundaresan A and Pellis NR
Proceedings of the Aerospace Sciences and Conference, AIAA-2002-0325:1-6, 2002
Spaceflight and modeled microgravity effects on microbial growth and virulence
Rosenzweig JA, Abogunde O, Thomas K, Lawal A, Nguyen YU, Sodipe A, Jejelowo O
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 85:885-891, 2010
Studying host-pathogen interactions in 3-D: organotypic models for infectious disease and drug development
Nickerson CA, Richter EG, Ott CM
J Neuroimmune Pharmacol. 2:26-31, 2007
Synergistic effects of Indian hedgehog and sonic hedgehog on chondrogenesis during cartilage repair
Chen L, Liu G, Li W, Wu X
J Mol Hist (2021);52(2):407-418
The Fluid Dynamic and Shear Environment in The NASA/JSC Rotating-Wall Perfused Vessel Bioreactor.
Begley CM and Kleis SJ
Biotechnol Bioeng 70: 32-40, 2000
The International Space Station: an Extreme Environment for Key Host-Microbe Discoveries
C. Mark Ott, Thomas Marshburn, and Cheryl A. Nickerson
Microbe—Volume 11, Number 6, 2016, Pages 253-261
The Physical Basis of Gravity Stimulus Nullification by Clinostat Rotation
Dedolph RR and Dipert MH
Plant Physiol 47: 756-764, 1971
The Rotary Cell Culture System increases NTRK3 expression and promotes neuronal differentiation and migratory ability of neural stem cells cultured on collagen sponge
Cui Y, Yin Y, Zou Y, Zhao Y, Han J, Xu B, Chen B, Xiao Z, Song H, Shi Y, Xue W, Ma X and Dai J
Stem Cell Research & Therapy (2021) 12:298
The application of low shear modeled microgravity to 3-D cell biology and tissue engineering
Navran S.
Biotechnol Ann Rev. 14: 275-296, 2008
The influence of spaceflight and simulated microgravity on bacterial motility and chemotaxis
Acres JM, Youngapelian MJ, and Nadeau J
npj Microgravity (2021) 7:7
Three-Dimensional Rotating Wall Vessel-Derived Cell Culture Models for Studying Virus-Host Interactions
Gardner JK, Herbst-Kralovetz MM
Viruses. 2016 Nov 9;8(11). pii: E304
Three-dimensional low shear culture of Mycobacterium bovis BCG induces biofilm formation and antimicrobial drug tolerance
Cantillon D, Wroblewska J, Cooper I, Newport MJ and Waddell SJ
npj Biofilms and Microbiomes (2021) 7:12.
Three-dimensional low shear culture of Mycobacterium bovis BCG induces biofilm formation and antimicrobial drug tolerance
Cantillon D, Wroblewska J, Cooper I, Newport MJ and Waddell SJ
npj Biofilms and Microbiomes 2021; 7:12
Tissue Culture in Microgravity
Duray PH, Hatfill SJ and Pellis NR
Science & Medicine, 4: 45-55, 1997
Xenopus development from late gastrulation to feeding tadpole in simulated microgravity
Olson WM, Wiens DJ, Gaaul TL, Rodriguez M, Hauptmeier CL
Intl J Dvl Biol. ;54:167-74.
β-Adrenergic stimuli and rotating suspension culture enhance conversion of human adipogenic mesenchymal stem cells into highly conductive cardiac progenitors
Islas JF,, Abbasgholizadeh R, Dacso C, Potaman VN, Navran S, Bond RA, Iyer D, Birla R, Schwartz RJ
J Tissue Eng Regen Med. 2020; 14:306-318
“Modeled Microgravity” Affects Cell Response to Ionizong Radiation and Increase Genomic Damage.
Canova S, Fiorasi F, Mognato M, Grifalconi M, Reddi E, Russo A, Celotti L
Radiat Res 163: 191-199, 2005.
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